Thursday, April 3, 2014

Garden Opening Day... Coming Soon!

We are busy pulling out our garden books and supplies this week, including our gardening gloves, watering cans, hose, shovels, seeds, plant food and more!  We are just about ready to get started.  Mr. Ravinski is hoping to come in early next week (weather permitting!) to rototiill and help us prepare the garden soil.  Today, we created a list of "Respectful Gardening Rules" and started thinking about the types of vegetables and plants we might grow.  The growing season is definitely shorter, and the winter quite long this year, but we will do what we can to grow and harvest some veggies and flowers before the end of the year.  We can definitely make it happen!

One thing we need to do is replenish some of the soil to get things underway this year.  Randy, from Will's Hardware in Medfield, has put aside 20 bags of topsoil.  Each bag costs $2.  It would be so helpful to me if you could help by purchasing a bag (or two).  Randy said he would keep them at the store and my husband will pick them up for us when we have our garden prep day next week.  So, if you are willing, please swing by Will's Hardware between now and Monday.  They set aside the soil for us and they will keep track of the number of bags purchased.  If we get about 20 bags we should be all set.  We will appreciate any donations of dirt we can get!  If it is easier to send in a $2 donation with your child, that would be fine too.

As a heads up, last year families who were interested took a week in the summer to check in on the garden, keep weeds down, water and harvest what was still growing.  Think about your summer plans and if you are interested in being put on a list for "summer gardening".  You don't need to tell me now, but in June I will put a weekly schedule together (based on your preferences) of when you may have a turn to look after the garden.  This is an invitation only, but something to consider if you have time this summer.  Last summer families continued to enjoy lettuce, carrots, herbs, beans, peas and more.

Thanks for you help!  The excitement is growing here in Room 10 for sure!

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