Friday, February 28, 2014

Read Across America Week

Next week, Memorial School will be celebrating Read Across America in honor of Dr. Seuss (whose birthday is March 2).  I am inviting children to bring in copies of their own Dr. Seuss books so we can jazz up our collection and have lots to share with each other.  We will use these books for read alouds, read-to-self and partner reading.  

Please be sure your books are labeled with your child's name so we can get them back to you at the end of the week.

The schedule of special activities at Memorial next week includes:

Kick-off Assembly

Community Readers:  Special guests from the Medfield community will read to each Pre-K, K and Grade 1 class.  We don't know who is coming to us yet, but it will be fun to uncover the mystery!

Teachers' Choice - Dr. Seuss read alouds and/or activities

Cat in the Hat Day!  Wear red and white clothes to school.  The Cat in the Hat will welcome students in the AM and at mid-day.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy 100th Day of School!

Here I am playing around with some more fun technology. Click on the video below to play my new GAMI!  

I was happy to see everyone tumbling down the hallway this morning with bright, smiling faces!  

Happy 100th day of school!

Valentine's Day!

Many thanks to our room parents for organizing a very fun Valentine's Day celebration for all.  The children especially enjoyed opening up their valentines from friends and teachers.  It was a wonderful end to a busy week and a great start to vacation!

Reading To Self and Others...

Since the fall, the children have engaged in a wide range of reading experiences.  We know there are lots of reasons for reading, and ways to do so.  Sometimes the children hear a story all together on the rug with me.  Other times, we meet at the reading table in small groups.  The children especially love when they "read to someone" (a reading buddy) or "read to self" (independent reading).  We've learned what these different reading times look and sound like, and the purposes for choosing the books we do.

Here are some photos of one of our "read to self" times when children read quietly and independently for about 15 minutes.  I spend the time reading with or assessing children.  I am always amazed at how quiet our room is, and how focused the children are on their books.  They practice important reading fluency, word attack skills and comprehension strategies by either reading the words, reading the pictures or retelling.  They are always amazed at how much stamina they have built for this important reading time!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Whole Body Listening with Cooper

Having a bit of fun... I have been investigating a learning app, called Educreations.  At Medfield's Digital Learning Day (the 2/7/14 teacher inservice day), I spoke with several 8th grade students who use this app often to complete a range of assignments.  I am hoping to use it more frequently with my first graders.  

For now, I hope you enjoy this little video (silly as it is), about what Whole Body Listening looks like here in Room 10.  I will let my first graders be the judge of just how well they think Cooper is doing here...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Father's Dragon Survey

The children and I enjoyed reading the book, My Father's Dragon, by Ruth Stiles Gannet.  Please take a moment and help your first grader fill out this survey.  We will share the results in class later in the week.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Kid President

The kids and I enjoyed viewing Kid President's video, 20 Things We Should Say More Often.  We hope you enjoy it too!