Friday, May 23, 2014

Sparkler Radish Brightens the Day!

We were bursting with excitement as we harvested our first radishes today!  This has been a cool, wet spring which has made for a slow start to our garden, but we were able to pick and sample three fresh sparkler radishes this afternoon.  More to come in the days ahead for sure.  Small victories!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Stony Brook Adventures

We had the perfect day for our fieldtrip to Stony Brook Nature Sanctuary today.  We visited three different habitats - field, forest and pond - and discovered many different living things along our walk.  Ask your first grader to tell you some of the plants and animals we found.  

Upon our return to Memorial we enjoyed a picnic lunch outside.  A fun day indeed!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Reading Is Fun Night

A reminder to all families... this Wednesday is Memorial's READING IS FUN NIGHT.  
See the info below.  I hope you can join us!

You are invited to…        
Reading is Fun Night

Where: Memorial School
When:  Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Time: 6:30-7:45 p.m.
Price:       $1.00 per person
                $5.00 max per family

All proceeds will be donated to Timothy’s Toybox, a local non-profit organization that donates toys and books to local children in need.

Join us for:

Read Alouds - Memorial teachers will read their favorite stories in       various classrooms over the course of the evening

Craft Projects - Make a book mark or door hanger

 • Book Give-Aways - Get a free raffle ticket when you enter the
building, and your child will have a chance to win a new book!

And a ...

Book Swap- Bring a gently used, good quality book and take
another book home!

Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Looking forward to seeing you at Reading is Fun Night!

Reading is Fun Night is co-sponsored by the Memorial CSA

Friday, May 2, 2014

May / June Special Events

May has arrived (along with a welcome bit of sun too), and with it comes a flurry of activities, special occasions and lots more learning!  I wanted to let you know about a few upcoming events so you can prep your schedules.

Our Stony Brook Field Trip is scheduled for Thursday, May 15.  If you are interested in joining us as a chaperone, please let me know.  I could use 3 volunteers that morning. 

Please help us get ready for our trip:

q  Pack a lunch and drink for your child that day.  We will have a picnic lunch at Memorial once we get back.
q  Please have your child wear long pants since tick season has started.
q  Your child should also wear sneakers or sturdy shoes, not sandals or open-toed shoes.  We will be walking along the dirt pathways and rugged shoes are a must.
q  Dress appropriately for the weather.  We will go rain or shine (unless it’s a total downpour)!
q  If it is a sunny day, put sunscreen on your child before he/she comes to school.
q  Be sure your child comes to school on time.  We leave early!
q  We will provide a snack for the children when we arrive at Stony Brook, so there’s no need to pack one that day.

·        Year End Open House – Save The Date:  Friday, June 6.  9 – 10am.
I know it can be a challenge for working parents to coordinate so many year-end gatherings, but with Field Day and Flag Day back-to-back this year, I want to be sure the children have time to share their year-end projects with you when they don’t have the added excitement of two other big events.  More information will be coming soon, but please mark your calendars for this very fun morning.
·        First Grade Field Day is scheduled for the morning of Thursday, June 12.  Mr. Grace will be sending out information at some point if parents would like to volunteer that day.

·         Our First Grade Flag Day show is scheduled for Friday, June 13 at 9:30 in the gym.  We will not have a gathering after the show, as we will have just had our open house the week prior, but parents are very welcome to come by for a visit after the show to say hello to their child.  We will have a special snack that day. 

·        I will communicate more about our final days of school once we get closer, including plans for Transition Day to Wheelock.

·        Thank you to all who sent in hand wipes.  We could use a few more packages if you haven’t had a chance to send any in yet.  Your help is appreciated!

·        Our garden, despite the cold spring days, is sprouting lots of new little plants.  We are hoping for warmer, sunnier days next week!  More garden news soon!