Sunday, October 29, 2017

Room 10 Sign Makers!

Last week's "project time" started with a read aloud of The Signmaker's Assistant by Tedd Arnold.  Since we are always striving to make connections between authors and illustrators, and their unique styles, I was thrilled the children noticed right away that Tedd Arnold is also author of the beloved Fly Guy series. 

After reading this fun, wacky tale about Norman, the signmaker's assistant, the children worked together to determine what kinds of signs were needed here in Room 10.  We were amazed at how many signs we needed to make!  This was a team effort indeed, and one that provided an authentic exercise in spelling, reading, writing, art and "publication" of environmental print that will be utilized all year in our classroom. 

Check out a few highlights below.  Our signs are meant to label, instruct, warn and make note of many important things here in Room 10.  Be sure to notice them the next time you visit!