Sunday, September 22, 2019

September Start Line!

It was wonderful to meet so many of you at Parent Information Night last week.  Keep any questions coming as the year rolls along, but for now know that we have been BUSY!!!  Here are a few highlights from our first few weeks of school...
Room 10  -  Day One!
A visit to see our sunflowers in the class garden

Mindful Bodies and Mindful Listening... 
lots more to come as we learn and grow together!
The ABC's of Mindful Breathing

"J" is for Join Your Breath  -  we partnered up for a back-to-back mindful breath break with a pal!

Signmakers of Room 10!
Who needs the teacher store when you have 21 fabulous first graders to label the room with important signs for the year?!?!  The children (aka signmakers) did an amazing job creating environmental print for our walls, cubbies, tables and more.  
The room was buzzing with excitement!

Books, books and more books!
The children selected their first books and got started with READ TO SELF.  
We are learning how to choose "just right" books - not too hard, not too easy.  
Lots more learning to come regarding reading strategies, fluency and comprehension.  

Welcome to ST Math!
The children logged in with their QR codes and met the silly penguin, Jiji, for the first time.  
The ST Math app will be used throughout the year to practice important math concepts 
and problem solving strategies.

And... Hello Writer's Workshop!
We kicked off our first unit of study in writing this week.  The children will work to zoom in on 
"Small Moment" stories from their lives, telling one part at a time, bit by bit, 
with lots of interesting details.  More to come!

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