Welcome to first grade! A new school year has begun! We will be engaged in a wide variety of
learning experiences throughout the year.
I’m looking forward to learning more about your children as we move
through our first few weeks of school together.
We made it through our first two days of first grade in great shape. The children are doing a terrific job with all of the new routines that they are learning. Thank you for sending your children to school so well prepared. And thank you also for your generous donation of supplies for our year together. They are appreciated!
Please be sure to read the other Memorial School
notices sent home by the office (or check the school’s website – www.medfield.net)
for lots more detailed information about schedules and procedures. It is particularly important that you read
information regarding the arrival and dismissal of your child. If you ever make arrangements for your child
to be dismissed from school via another form of transportation, other than
his/her scheduled bus or MAP routine, please be sure to write a note to me on
that day. It is important that I inform
the office of any such changes. In the
case of different arrival plans, please be sure to check in at the office
before coming down to the classroom. All
of this will make coming and going to Memorial much easier for the children,
the office and for me.
I will pay particular attention during the first
few weeks of school as the children grow accustomed to their new routine and
make sure they arrive and depart safely.
The children will be instructed to return to the classroom or the office
after dismissal if they ever have a question or concern about how they are
getting home. I want them to always feel
that they have a safe place to return to if they are confused. Of course, the Memorial staff as a whole is
experienced at making sure this process runs smoothly.
Please be sure to check your child’s backpack each
day to help keep track of books, notices and papers. I will send more detailed information about
home assignments and/or projects as I introduce them to the children.
Your child received a Home/School folder.
These folders are intended to help the children get important notes,
papers and notices back and forth from school.
If you have a note for me, please put it in your child’s Home/School
folder. Your child will bring the folder
back and forth to school every day so that new materials or information come to
me or to you on a daily basis. Thank you
for helping your child to remember to bring it to school daily.
As parents, your input and participation will be
very important to the success of our program this year. I will let you know about the different ways
that you can get involved in the classroom if you’d like to do so. I will have sign-up sheets at Parent
Information Night on Monday, September 21 if you would like to volunteer in the
classroom this year. Please keep in mind
that I do not get my volunteers up and running until I feel that the children
and I have had enough time to establish strong classroom routines and have
begun to come together as a cohesive learning community. This “settling in” period is a big priority
for me because it is so important for the children to feel secure and confident
with their new classroom, peers and teacher.
I tend to get volunteers started towards the end of October or early
November. I will give you a more
definitive time frame after a few weeks have passed.
I hope that this information is helpful to you and gets us
all off to a good start. I will send
frequent updates about our plans and
activities here in Room 10, including ongoing descriptions of my first grade
program. In the meantime, if you have
any questions or concerns about any aspect of the school or classroom, you may
reach me at Memorial by phone or by sending a note to school with your
child. I can also be reached via email
at kravinski@email.medfield.net.
I am very excited to teach and learn with
your children this year. I know we’re
going to have a wonderful year together.
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