Thursday, June 26, 2014

2013-2014 Wrap Up

Well, my first graders and I wrapped up our school year yesterday.  It was a bittersweet ending as we cleaned up the room, packed up the last of their work, harvested 130 more peas (yay!) and gathered together for one more class meeting.  Each year I try to spend the last few moments going around and telling each of my students the ways in which they have grown, matured and learned.  Each child loved when it was his or her turn to hear what I had to say, and I was so pleased to be able to celebrate each and every one of them in unique and special ways.

Please stop by the garden anytime.  For those who are helping out this summer, the hose is on the back side of the garden.  The children know what to do to water and where to dispose of weeds.  Please, please, please eat whatever is ready.  There will likely be more peas this week and next so don't let them go by.  There is lettuce ready too so plan for a salad one day.  As plants go to seed, or aren't viable anymore, please don't be shy about pulling them up.  The garden tends to wind down a bit when we aren't all here to keep up on it, but enjoy whatever you can from it.  It's yours!

Many thanks to all the children and families for my year end gift.  It will be put to good use this summer.  I especially love the cards and other thoughtful gifts I received from parents and children alike.  While we were all excited to say hello to summer yesterday, there were also many tugs at our hearts as we said good-bye.  I was blessed with a very dear class this year for sure!

Best wishes for a wonderfully fun and relaxing summer.  All the best to you!

Kathy Ravinski

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