Thursday, December 22, 2016

2016 Wrap Up!

Well, with energies running very high this week, we are slowly but surely making our way to the finish line.  Vacation and holiday fun is in sight!  We will wrap up our week with PJ day tomorrow (Friday), as well as our classroom holiday party.  My thanks to the room parents for coordinating, and to all who contributed food and supplies.  It is sure to be a great time!

The children enjoyed Memorial's annual "Holiday Sing-a-long" this week.  With Mr. R on piano and Mrs. Pollock on guitar, many familiar and new songs were sung with all of Memorial's students and staff joining in the fun.

A few highlights from the past month or so...

  • Room 10 has received 6 new mini iPads!  We've engaged in some "technology talks" aimed at reviewing the basics of equipment usage and storage, procedures for taking turns, and the initial apps that may be explored.  We will continue to have these "talks" and expand our use of the technology to support and enhance our learning.
  • We have wrapped up our first "Unit of Study" in writing which focused on personal narrative, or small moment writing as we call it.  We will embark upon a new unit of study centered on non-fiction writing when we return from the break.
  • Through interactive read alouds, the children are beginning to learn ways good readers "think" about reading before, during and after they read.  More on this soon!
  • Come January, we will expand our study of maps and globes.  We will also study Martin Luther King and other key figures of the civil rights movement.
  • Lots to come in reading, writing, math, science, social studies and more.  Bring on 2017!
If anyone is out and about over the break and comes across any good sales on Christmas/Hanukkah stickers, I'd love to replenish my supply for next year.  We could also use some quart-size ziploc bags!

Warm wishes to all families for a restful, peaceful and healthy holiday break.  I'll look forward to seeing my pals next year!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September Highlights

Well, September sure did fly by in a blink and we now find ourselves off and running into October.  It's quite nice to have the cooler temps and fall season upon us.

The children are doing a great job managing all of their first grade routines and responsibilities each week.  A snapshot of some of the things we have been working on include:

  • Read / Literacy Centers  -  word study, writing, independent and partner reading, Scholastic News, read around the room, poems, art and much more!  As children work within the various centers, I have begun pulling groups of children to our reading table to teach key reading concepts and strategies, including skills around reading fluency, accuracy, vocabulary and comprehension. 
  • Math  -  We are reviewing and learning about strategies for accurate / efficient counting, best tools for problem solving, addition and subtraction story problems, team work via math games, and calendar skills.  Through our daily morning meeting, we are also beginning to work on early place value and money concepts, and bridging this to our growing understanding of addition / subtraction.  Learning how to "show your thinking" in clear, efficient ways is a big goal this year, as is learning how to flexibly problem-solve when presented with a more open ended task.
  • Writer's Workshop:  We have embarked on our first Unit of Study - Small Moments.  This is a time when children will be writing stories about things that happen to them or things they like to do.  The children are learning to generate ideas, plan their stories and write with increasing stamina each day.  Our small moment writing is one of several units of study this year.  Other types of writing will include units on non-fiction, as well as opinion pieces.  We will also engage in a whole range of other daily writing opportunities as our year continues to unfold.  Of course, spelling and mechanics (beginning capitals /spacing / punctuation) are ongoing goals as well.  I am amazed at the writing being done so far here in Room 10, and we have lots more to come.
  • Science  -  The children will soon begin their first science unit all about Solids and Liquids.  Other science units this year will include animals / habitats, seeds and plants (think garden!) and of course, honeybees.  
  • Open Circle / Social Thinking  -  We have had several class meetings to begin building our classroom community, to generate ideas for the kind of place we want Room 10 to be (see photo above), and to problem-solve when conflicts arise.  The children have been introduced to concepts around "expected" and "unexpected" behavior, determining the size of a problem and how to best go about solving it, using our words to navigate the times when perhaps we don't always make the best choices with friends, and celebrating the times when we do.  All in all, we are off to a great start and we are coming together as an increasingly cohesive group.
I will be setting up a separate page on this blog to outline homework for the year, including expectations for reading and math.  Please look for a new homework tab soon!

I am pleased to welcome Sonia Cunningham and Meghan Glenn as our room parents for the year.  They are already putting in plans in place for our classroom Halloween celebration on Monday, October 31.  More information soon about school-wide plans for that day.  

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Email is the best way to reach me and I do my best to respond within a day or two.  Happy October!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Moving right along!

Welcome once again to Room 10!    A new school year has begun.  We made it through our first few days of first grade in great shape.  The children are doing a terrific job with all of the new routines they are learning.  Thank you for sending your children to school so well prepared.  And thank you also for your generous donation of supplies for our year together.  They are appreciated! 

We will be engaged in a wide variety of learning experiences throughout the year.   I’m looking forward to learning more about your children as we move through our first few weeks of school together.

Included in this post is some general information about our class and school.  Please be sure to read the other Memorial School notices sent home by the office (or check the school’s website – for lots more detailed information about schedules and procedures.  It is particularly important that you read information regarding the arrival and dismissal of your child.  If you ever make arrangements for your child to be dismissed from school via another form of transportation, other than his/her scheduled bus or MAP routine, please be sure to write a note to me on that day.  It is important that I inform the office of any such changes.  In the case of different arrival plans, please be sure to check in at the office before sending your child down to the classroom.  All of this will make coming and going to Memorial much easier for the children, office and for me. 

Your child received a Home/School folder last week.  These folders are intended to help the children get important notes, papers and notices back and forth from school.  If you have a note for me, please put it in your child’s Home/School folder.  Your child will bring the folder back and forth to school every day so that new materials or information come to me or to you on a daily basis.  Thank you for helping your child to remember to bring it to school daily.

The children will have time for snack each morning.  As a reminder, information regarding pre-paying for school lunch via the My School Bucks program can be found on the district website.  One note about food at school, the children are told that we never share food with our friends.  This is a rule in the classroom, the cafeteria and at other special occasions such as field trips.

As parents, your input and participation will be very important to the success of our program this year.  I will let you know about the different ways that you can get involved in the classroom if you’d like to do so.  I will have sign-up sheets at Parent Information Night on Thursday, September 15 if you would like to volunteer in the classroom this year.  Please keep in mind that I do not get my volunteers up and running until I feel that the children and I have had enough time to establish strong classroom routines and have begun to come together as a cohesive learning community.  This “settling in” period is a big priority for me because it is so important for the children to feel secure and confident with their new classroom, peers and teachers.  I tend to get volunteers started towards early November.  I will give you a more definitive timeframe after a few weeks have passed.

Some additional information for you:

Each week we will have a special Kid of the Week.  This child gets to be our line leader, to decide the morning greeting, lead our daily calendar time, and to bring one special possession to school to share on the first morning of his/her special week.  The child will tell why he/she brought this item and why it is special.  The other children in the class will then have an opportunity to ask questions and make comments about the share.  When it is your child’s turn, please help him/her choose something other than a toy.  It could be a photograph, a favorite book, a letter or postcard from someone special, an item from a collection, a scientific experiment, an award, a drawing, etc.  Please know that it is perfectly fine if your child would rather not bring in an item to share.  Each Friday, we will draw the name of the next Kid of the Week so the child can be prepared to share on Monday if he/she chooses.  A note will go home when your child is chosen.

Each child will need an art smock for the year.  Old t-shirts, or men’s or women’s collared, button down shirts work well.  Obviously, the shirts can be old and worn as they will be used for art projects.  Please send a smock in for your child as soon as possible.

You may find your first grader quite tired (and hungry) after school.  This is very normal for the first few weeks.  Our days are busy and they are taking in a lot of new information each day.  We will settle in slowly and take our time to adjust to our new schedule.  Please be in touch anytime with questions you may have.

I hope that this information is helpful to you and gets us all off to a good start.  I will send regular updates to keep you informed about our plans and activities here in Room 10, including ongoing descriptions of my first grade program.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of the school or classroom, you may reach me at Memorial by phone or by sending a note to school with your child.  I can also be reached via email at 

Enjoy the cool air!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Welcome to Room 10!

By now, I hope you received my welcome letter in the mail.  I have been busy setting up Room 10 these past couple of weeks, and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new friends!  This blog is a place for Room 10 families to access important information about the classroom.  I strive to provide regular updates throughout the year.

You may choose to subscribe to this blog via your email address.  This will allow you to receive updates when a new blog post has been created.  Look for "Follow by email" located on the right side of the blog's main page to subscribe.

Some families ordered their classroom supplies via the PTO.  Others are choosing to purchase their own.  Either way, here is the link to the list should you still need it:  Grade One Supply List.  Many thanks for your contributions.  They are appreciated!

A welcome letter was sent from Principal Missy Bilsborough highlighting important back-to-school information.  Key details about our new school hours, morning drop-off information, Parent Information Night, the elementary school handbook, and more can be found in her letter via this link: Back-To-School Info

More information will be coming to you soon.  In the meantime, if you have any pressing concerns or questions, please feel free to shoot me an email:  Enjoy these last few days of summer.  I look forward to seeing my new friends on Wednesday, August 31st!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Stony Brook Field Trip

On Tuesday of this week we headed off to Stony Brook Nature Center in Norfolk for our spring field trip.  It was a picture-perfect day!  The children learned a great deal more about organisms and the different things that are needed in habitats such as forest, field and pond.  Think.... water, food, space and shelter.  We were lucky enough to see many different types of birds, plants, trees and insects as we hiked along the paths at Stony Brook.

Many thanks to our chaperones George Mix, Nicole Crocker and Blake McDermott for joining us on our adventure.  We all enjoyed a picnic lunch outside upon our return and then the children did an amazing amount of writing detailing their time at the nature center.  It was a great day indeed!


Our Garden is Open for Business!

Well, Room 10's garden is up and running for another season!  On April 27, with a beautiful sunny day on our side, we headed outside to begin planting.  Prior to putting the seeds in the dirt, however, we did what any good gardener would do and planned our approach.  We...
  • Wrote our "Respectful Gardening Rules" so that we use the space with care, and respect for nearby classrooms.
  • Brainstormed all the different types of vegetables and flowers we might like to grow, and learned that certain types will do better given our space and timing parameters.
  • Broke up into four gardening teams, determined which seeds each team would plant and labeled our plant stakes.
  • Invited Mr. Ravinski to come a day ahead of time with his rototiller to prep our soil.  He agreed!
  • Coordinated a few parents helpers for the big day..... many thanks to Blake McDermott, Inger Kenworthy, Patti Allen and Michelle Mix for their extra sets of helping hands!
  • Purchased fresh sets of seeds, salt marsh hay for our path, a new hose and spray nozzle.  Many thanks for the donations to our garden fund!
Pictures tell the story best, so take a peek below to see how our garden opening unfolded.  It was a lot of fun and we had many laughs.  Your first grader has surely reported that since then we have several new seedlings popping out of the ground.  Fingers crossed that our lettuce will be ready for harvest in time for Salad Day in June.  More soon about our garden's progress in the days ahead!

Thursday, April 14, 2016


We have been working on a number of projects requiring teamwork lately....  making signs to welcome visiting author Melissa Stewart, building geometric structures / designs, and measuring the length of our tables.  These kids sure do work together with enthusiasm and an eye towards shared problem-solving!

We did some garden planning this week, and we will be exercising our teamwork muscles for certain when we return from vacation and prepare to PLANT!  Happy vacation to all!